04 March 2009

11 February 2009

And Away We Go

Hello Old Friend,

It seems at certain times in our lives we all get way too busy and neglect the things we find important. Not that i find you too terribly important, I've just been really busy. You know, with school, school and work it is just hard to find some down-time. No need to worry! You're the only blog for me.

Sure, I face book-- a lot, but that's not the same.

I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I hope, that in the future, I might could spend a little more time with you and little less with that awkward site--that used to be cool, but now everyone and their whole family has one, pets included, and it seems to be a way to live your life in a cyber mock-up of a conversation and not actual live your life that God Almighty has graciously given to you. A computer generated fantasy land where you are actually friends with every one. It's ruining our ability to communicate one to another. Just look at what it did to us! Not to mention--even though I'm about to--our ability to spell.

We are neglecting too and two for to and 2. Let's face it. Ur just getting lazy. Yes, U R 2 lazy to type actual words. Well, not you dear blog, Society in general-- If it really does exist.

Well Blog, so long for now.

16 April 2008


If you're a Christian looking for a way to defend your faith in an ever increasing atheistic, humanistic, evolutionist world- This move is for you! If you're an atheist searching for truth or and evolutionist determined to change the worldview - you're invited too.

Either way you should check out this movie in theathers nationwide Friday, April 18!

Watch the trailer or browse the website! (links above) Needless to say I'm extremely excited and can't wait to watch this movie. I'm probably seeing it this weekend! Any takers?

14 April 2008


This time of year is amazing to me. It is the time of year in which a superficial phenomena occurs. This tops the mystery of crop circles, Stonehenge and the giant stone heads of Easter Island. It is none other than prom week! Yes, indeed. The week that pasty white girls make the metamorphosis of becoming a "Bronzed beauty", when the color of their skin slowly changes hue, to the color of their hair.

Seriously, its not like you're kidding anyone.
Just so you know.

And now that the truth is out. How does that happen? I know they bake themselves in ovens until toasty, golden brown. but really... Is there not a point where you say "okay, i officially look like I'm from another race." or "My body hurts and i can barely walk, but It is totally worth the cancer!"

I guess i don't get it. Thus, Phenomena of High School.


My first blog. How dreadfully exciting!

The End.